#1 merry christmas
#2 For some great reason I love terrible mainstream hip-hop like Bubba Sparxxx and T-Pain. It's just so catchy and fun to dance to. As much as I love Justice I just can't compare it to "The Way I Are." I went and saw Juno. It was poignant and very funny and very well acted and very well shot. I have no complaints and will certainly buy it when it comes out on DVD. An Indie classic. I'm not pretentious enough about film to be able to do this one justice but I liked it a lot.
#3 In one trailer I heard both Regina Spektor and Justice. In the same session I heard Feist. The movie had two Belle and Sebastian songs. The world is quickly spiraling into an independent music abyss. I bet that in the next ten years or so what is considered "mainstream" will be an inch deep and a mile wide. The internet has been the best thing for musicians and the worst thing for record companies. Yeah, musicians can't make a billion dollars as easily, but they can make a thousand or ten thousand fans a lot faster. I would never have heard Regina without the internet, nor Justice, nor any of a hundred bands that I love. This week my iTunes library surpassed twenty gigabytes. That would be unfathomable 10 years ago. 3800 songs, maybe 300 albums, just thinking how much space that would take is mind bending.
#4 I wish people knew how to drive better.
Music is the new food.
13 years ago